今回のテーマは カエル 。あらかじめアマガエル、ツチガエル、ヒキガエルの中から好きな種類をご予約いただき、模型を製作しました。
On June 1, “Let’s Color on Models (with refreshments)” was held.
The theme is frogs.We made the models in advance with reservations for your favorite species of tree frogs, wrinkled frog, and toads.
Since the 10cm cat was popular last time, we decided to make the frog a larger size this time as well.
When we actually printed out the model with a 3D printer, it turned out to be a “good size! The model was a hit with all the staff.
図鑑や飼育している カエル などを参考に模型が仕上がっていくの様子は見ている側も楽しいものです。
Some people were confused about the colors and patterns of tree frogs because of their varied body coloration.
It was fun to see how the models were created based on illustrated books and the frogs in their care.
Finished tree frog.
It was a nice idea to sign and date the ventral side!
These are tree frogs and a wrinkled frog.
Each model was completed tastefully by the combination of colors and the use of brush strokes!