レプリカを使って メリコイドドン の化石をカッコよく飾る!

国立科学博物館のミュージアムショップに メリコイドドン の化石が販売されていました。これはアツいと2つ買い、一風変わった飾り方はないかなと、考えてみました。

I went to Ueno because the National Museum of Nature and Science was exhibiting a model delivered by Amphi LLC. As it happened, the museum was also holding a large mammal exhibition3 at the time, so after viewing the exhibition, I looked around the special souvenir corner and found a fossil of a Mericoidodon for sale. I thought this was hot, so I bought a gate tooth and a molar and wondered if there was any way to display them in an unusual way.

メリコイドドン の化石

まずは、この化石の3Dデータを取得してみようと、3DスキャナーのRevopoint miracoでデジタル化してみました。

First, I tried to get 3D data of this fossil and digitized it with Revopoint miraco, a 3D scanner.

メリコイドドン の化石を3Dデータ化


3D data was obtained by placing the fossil on a rotating stand.

メリコイドドン の臼歯
メリコイドドン の門歯と抜けた犬歯と小臼歯

デジタル化できたので、次に購入した化石の原産地アメリカ・サウスダコダ州のメリコイドドンの頭骨が公開されていないかを探してみると、スケッチファブで Digital Atlas of Ancient Life がCC0で公開されていたので、その3Dモデルを使って、今回購入した化石を組み合わせてみると・・・

Now that I was able to digitize the fossils, I searched for a published skull of a Melichoidodon from South Dakoda, South Dakoda, USA, the state of origin of the next fossil I purchased, and found the Digital Atlas of Ancient Life on sketchfab with CC0, so I used its 3D model to combine the fossils I had purchased with this one.


メリコイドドン の頭骨と断片的な臼歯の化石を合わせてみる
メリコイドドン の頭骨と断片的な門歯の化石を合わせてみる



Then the fossil fits perfectly as shown in the image above! I was wondering whether the molars should be placed on the right or left side, but it was very easy to understand once the molars were aligned on the 3D data!

And here comes the best part of the digital process: the fossil part is gouged out so that the real fossil can be attached to the replica.

メリコイドドン の頭骨から断片的な臼歯の化石を収められるよう除去した
メリコイドドン の頭骨から断片的な門歯の化石を収められるよう除去した


The skull, which has been scraped out in digital form so that the fossil can be mounted, is shown above. The 3D printer will then begin outputting the data!